Web This Blog

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sir Tim Berners-Lee on the Web

With the major www2006 conference just around the corner, BCS managing editor Brian Runciman interviews the inventor of the Web Sir Tim Berners-Lee.

Looking back on 15 years or so of development of the Web is there anything you would do differently given the chance?

I would have skipped on the double slash - there's no need for it. Also I would have put the domain name in the reverse order - in order of size so, for example, the BCS address would read: http:/ The last two terms of this example could both be servers if necessary.

What subsequent Web developments by others have impressed you most?

The Google algorithm was a significant development. I don't want to name too many, but in general I like the fact that I've had thank you emails from people whose lives have been saved by information on a medical website or who have found the love of their life on a dating website, which is great. The important thing is the diversity available.
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